Welcome Back TRUCE Students 2023-2024

Greetings: TRUCE parents and students,
Welcome parents and students to the start of the 2023-2024 Castleberry Independent School District school year. My name is Truett Miller, the Assistant Principal at TRUCE Learning Center. I am excited to start my second year as an AP at TRUCE Learning Center. Before coming to TRUCE, I served in many educational leadership roles as a Special Education and Social Studies teacher lead, and as a high school athletics coach. I enjoy collaborating with an excellent team at TRUCE Learning Center that strives to meet every student's educational and behavioral needs. Heading into the new school year the TRUCE campus will focus on research-based data-driven targeted academic and behavior interventions to ensure the success of all our students on campus. In addition, with the help of CISD social workers, we will continue to focus on all of our students' social/emotional needs through counseling sessions and direct-teach character education lessons once a week.
With the help of TRUCE and REACH teachers last year our campus improved our students' state testing scores through targeted academic interventions. In addition, the majority of our students that returned to their home campuses after completing their TRUCE placement had fewer behavioral infractions upon returning. Before enrolling at TRUCE for the 2023-2024 school year, all students and parents must attend the TRUCE orientation or complete a TRUCE intake interview with a campus administrator and register online for TRUCE or in person at the campus.
Thank you parents for your support in helping us address all of your child’s educational and behavioral needs. The TRUCE dress code policy is now located on our website, please feel free to review it.
Truett Miller
Assistant Principal TRUCE Learning Center